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Showing posts from September, 2019

The DNA Technology (Regulation) Bill

Recently, the DNA Technology (Regulation) Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha to regulate the use of DNA technology for establishing the identity of a person. What are the provisions of the bill? 1. Establishment of National and Regional DNA Data Bank. 2. Every data bank would have indices such as the crime scene index, suspects’ or undertrials’ index, offenders’ index, missing persons’ index and unknown deceased persons’ index. 3. Establishment of DNA Regulatory Board which accredits labs analysing DNA samples. 4. Written consent by individuals is mandatory before collection of their DNA samples and creating a DNA profile of an individual. 5. However, consent is not required for offences with punishment for more than seven years in jail or death. Deletion of DNA profile from Data banks: 1. DNA profiles of the suspect may be removed on the filing of a police report or court order. 2. DNA profiles of undertrials may be removed based on a court order. How is DNA profiling done

Chandrayaan-2 Indian step

India’s first attempt to land a spacecraft on the Moon has not been successful. 1. Chandrayaan-2 mission comprises an orbiter, lander, and rover. 2. While the orbiter part is functioning normally, ISRO lost contact with the lander. 3. Most of the scientific investigations of the mission are supposed to be carried by instruments onboard the orbiter, including studies to find more evidence of water on the Moon. 4. The lander and rover had a mission life of only 14 days while the orbiter will function for at least one year. 5. About 80-90 per cent of the science output of the mission has to come from the orbiter, and that has not been affected at all. What is the status of the lander? 1. The lander, Vikram, did not slow down at the expected rate towards the latter part of its descent, and most likely hit the lunar surface at a speed greater than required for safe landing. 2. The ground control station lost contact with the lander when it was about 2.1 km above the Moon. 3. Vikra

Women Empowerment

What is Women Empowerment? 1. Empowerment is a multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and multi-layered concept. 2. Women empowerment is a process in which women gain greater share of control over resources such as material, human, intellectual and financial resources. Why is Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) significant? 1. The Union Budget 2019-20 is the 15th Budget to incorporate the concept of GRB since its adoption by India in 2005-06. 2. GRB is considered a powerful fiscal tool to back efforts towards gender equality with financial commitments as it not only involves resource allocation for women’s programs but the application of a gender lens to the entire budget keeping in view the different needs of men and women. 3. The Government is also shifting its approach from women-centric to women-led Initiatives (“Naari Tu Narayani”). 4. The overall Gender Budget Allocation for 2019-20 is close to 5% of total expenditure. 5. There have been successful behavioral changes through init


इकोनॉमिस्ट इंटेलिजेंस यूनिट ने हाल ही में ‘सेफ सिटीज इंडेक्स’ जारी किया है, इस सूचकांक में टोक्यो पहले स्थान पर है। इस सूचकांक में 60 देशों के शहरों को शामिल किया गया है, इसमें शहरों का मूल्यांकन शहरी सुरक्षा, डिजिटल, अधोसंरचना, स्वास्थ्य तथा निजी सुरक्षित इत्यादि विभिन्न पहलुओं पर किया गया है। इस सूचकांक में मुंबई 45वें स्थान पर है, जबकि दिल्ली 52वें स्थान पर है। विश्व के 10 सबसे सुरक्षित शहर टोक्यो (जापान)सिंगापुर (सिंगापुर)ओसका (जापान)एम्स्टर्डम (नीदरलैंड्स)सिडनी (ऑस्ट्रेलिया)टोरंटो (कनाडा)वाशिंगटन (अमेरिका)कोपेनहेगेन (डेनमार्क)सीओल (दक्षिण कोरिया)मेलबोर्न (ऑस्ट्रेलिया) इकोनॉमिस्ट इंटेलिजेंस यूनिट (EIU) यह एक आर्थिक विश्लेषक तथा सलाहकार संस्था है, इसकी स्थापना 1946 में की गयी थी। इसका मुख्यालय यूनाइटेड किंगडम के लन्दन में स्थित है। यह संस्था मासिक राष्ट्रीय रिपोर्ट, पंच वर्षीय आर्थिक पूर्वानुमान तथा औद्योगिक रिपोर्ट इत्यादि प्रकाशित करती है। इसका स्वामित्व इकोनॉमिस्ट ग्रुप के अधीन है। इसकी प्रमुख सब्सिडियरी बेज़ियन, क्लियरस्टेट तथा कैनबैक कंसल्टिंग हैं।

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