1. OBFUSCATE (VERB): (उलझाना): confuse
Synonyms: baffle, bewilder
Antonyms: clarify, explicate
Sentence:- The new rule is more likely to obfuscate people than enlighten them.
2. BRINK (NOUN): (कगार): fringe
Synonyms: periphery, threshold
Antonyms: center, middle
Sentence:- This woman could bring me to the brink of insanity.
3. INTERMITTENT (ADJECTIVE): (सविराम): irregular
Synonyms: fitful, infrequent
Antonyms: regular, frequent
Sentence:- The holiday lights are intermittent and flicker on and off constantly.
4. HERALD (NOUN): (अग्रदूत): messenger
Synonyms: adviser, bearer
Antonyms: pupil, student
Sentence:- A herald sent forward to announce the coming of a king.
5. INSULAR (ADJECTIVE): (संकुचित विचारवाला): narrow-minded
Synonyms: circumscribed, parochial
Antonyms: broad-minded, unbiased
Sentence:- Only a few people live in their insular neighborhood in the coldest part of Alaska.
6. JINX (NOUN): (अशुभ): curse
Synonyms: hex, hoodoo
Antonyms: boon, luck
Sentence:- He regarded her as a jinx because she had lost her husband.
7. INERTIA (NOUN): (जड़ता): laziness
Synonyms: passivity, sluggishness
Antonyms: action, activity
Sentence:- After a large meal, inertia usually keeps me on the couch all day.
8. IMMACULATE (ADJECTIVE): (शुद्ध): unspoiled
Synonyms: exquisite, neat
Antonyms: dull, defiled
Sentence:- The soldier was reprimanded for ruining his immaculate uniform.
9. TRIUMPHAL (ADJECTIVE): (विजयोल्लास से परिपूर्ण): victorious
Synonyms: triumphant, conquering
Antonyms: depressed, discouraged
Sentence:- He made his triumphal entry into the capital.
10. INKLING (NOUN): (आभास): idea
Synonyms: clue, hunch
Antonyms: knowledge, information
Sentence:- The records give us an inkling of how people saw the world.
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