Origin: The word ONYM originated from theGreek word ONUMA which means Name.
The words derived from this possess the abovemeaning.
Anonymous = Not identified by name, ofunknown name
Antonym = A word opposite in meaning toanother
Allonym = A name that is assumed by an authorbut that actually belongs to another person
Cryptonyms = A code name
Eponymy = The explanation of a proper name asof a town or tribe
Euonym = A name well suited to the person,place, or thing named
Homonym = Words having the same spelling orpronunciation but different meanings andorigins
Metonymy = The substitution of the name of anattribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant
Pseudonym = A fictitious name, especially oneused by an author
Synonym = A word having similar meaning tothe another
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