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1.  Notch (verb): Score or achieve (something). (हासिल करना, प्राप्त करना)
Synonyms: Score, Achieve, Attain, Secure
Antonyms: Give Up, Abandon
Example: He notched up fifteen years' service with the company.
Related:  Mark, Nick, Notched

2. Uptick (noun): A small increase or slight upward trend. (इजाफा)
Synonyms: Accretion, Accrual.
Antonyms: Deduction, Subtraction.
Example: There is an uptick in foreign tourism this year.
Related: Accumulation, Assemblage.

3 Lackluster (adjective): Lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired or uninspiring. (मंद)
Synonyms: Dull, Boring, Flat
Antonyms: Bright, Lively, Shiny.
Example: No excuses were made for the team's lackluster performance.
Related: Luster-less, dry.

4. Credible (adjective): Able to be believed; convincing. (विश्वसनीय)
Synonyms: Believable, Creditable, Likely.
Antonyms: Absurd, Doubtful, Dubious.
Example: Few people found his story credible.
Related: Cogent, Compelling, Conclusive.

5. Spurt (noun): A sudden marked burst or increase of activity or speed.
Synonyms: Commotion, outburst
Antonyms: Peace, continuity.
Example: The company enjoyed a growth spurt when its turnover almost doubled.
Related: Recurrence, renewal.

6. Proactive (adjective): (of a person or action) creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it after it has happened. (सक्रिय)
Synonyms: Anxious, Dedicated. Motivated.
Antonyms: Careless, Heedless, Incautious
Example: Employers must take a proactive approach to equal pay.
Related: Perceptive, Percipient

7. Ordinance (noun): An authoritative order. (अध्यादेश)
Synonyms - Acts, Law, Enactments.
Antonyms - Lawlessness, Veto, Disorganization.
Example - Strong ordinance is required to ensure women safety.
Related Words - Decree, Statute, Bill.

8. Gamut (noun): Detailed, expansion, the complete range or scale of something. (विस्तार)
Synonyms - Sweep, Breadth, Scope, Reach, Extent
Antonyms - Stand Still, Leave, Bottom Out.
Examples - She ran the gamut with physical humor and dished out droll.
Related words - Area, Magnitude, Reach, Sweep.

9. Expedite (verb): - Make happen faster. (शीघ्र)
Synonyms - Accelerate, Hasten, Urge.
Antonyms - Delay, Hinder, Slow.
Example - We have to expedite our revisions to complete the it before the exam.
Related words - Advance, Quicken, Hurry.

10. Freight (noun): Goods being shipped. (माल ढुलाई)
Synonyms - Carriage, Merchandise, Shipment.
Antonyms - Disburden, Unload, Discharge.
Example - Some of them did not unload, but others dumped piles of freight by the docks
Related words - Payload, Consignment, Transportation.


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One Word Substitutions

🌺 🌺 1. Bitter quarrel between two families existing for a long period –Feud /पुश्‍तैनी दुश्‍मनी 2. Animals without backbone —  Invertebrates /अकशेरूकी 3. Action that is likely to make people very angry – Inflammatory /उत्‍तेजक 4. A humorous drawing dealing with current events or politics –Cartoon /व्‍यंगचित्र 5. Act of mercy killing — Euthanasia /इच्‍छामृत्‍यु 6. The act of killing a king –Regicide / राज-हत्‍या 7. Emission of light or heat from a central point – Radiation / विकिरण 8. That which cannot be believed — Incredible /अविश्‍वसनीय 9. An act of travelling from one place to another – Journey /यात्रा 10. Misappropriation of money – Embezzlement / गबन 🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁 ▬▭▬▭▬▭▬▭▬▭▬▭▬▭▬▭

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