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Showing posts from August, 2019


The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) clarified that former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh continues to have Z plus security cover, after the withdrawal of Special Protection Group (SPG) from his security. Around 35 CRPF commandos will provide round-the-clock security to him under the changed set-up. About: In India, Government of India provides security to some high-risk individuals by the police and local government. Individuals under this security blanket include the President, Vice-President, Prime-Minister, Supreme Court and High Court Judges, Service Chiefs of Indian Armed Forces, Governors of State, Chief Ministers and Cabinet Ministers. Categories of security: Special Protection Group (SPG) category: Strength of security detail is Classified (only provided to the current and former Prime Ministers of India and their immediate family members.) Z+ category: It has a security cover of 55 personnel (Including 10+ NSG Commando) + (Police Personnel) Z category: It ha


RBI has decided to transfer a sum of ₹1.7 Lakh crore to the Government of India – comprising of ₹1.2 Lakh crore of surplus for the year 2018-19 and ₹52,637 crore of excess provisions identified as per the revised Economic Capital Framework (ECF) adopted – to address the fiscal situation of the government to a great extent. About:  Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had constituted an “Expert Committee to Review the Extant Economic Capital Framework of the RBI” under the Chairmanship of Dr. Bimal Jalan. Major recommendations of the Committee with regard to risk provisioning and surplus distribution are as follows: RBI’s economic capital: A clearer distinction between the two components of economic capital (realized equity and revaluation balances) was recommended. Realized equity could be used for meeting all risks/ losses as they were primarily built up from retained earnings. Revaluation balances could be reckoned only as risk buffers against market risks as they represented unre

Science and Technology

Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) handed over the design of Mobile Metallic Ramp (MMR) to the Indian Army. About: The MMR has been designed and developed by DRDO’s premier research laboratory, Centre for Fire, Explosive and Environment Safety (CFEES). With load bearing capacity of 70 metric ton (MT), MMR will provide the strategic mobility for Armoured and Mechanized units and formations of the Army. It is portable, modular in design, which can be easily assembled or disassembled.


Microsoft makes Notepad a separate Store app starting with new Windows 10 20H1 test build Finally, we can save all that space on the install DVD Source: ZDNet Kaspersky AV injected unique ID that allowed sites to track users, even in incognito mode Every single day, and every web page you display, I'll be watching you Source: Ars Technica Bluetooth vulnerability could expose device data to hackers Beware of hackers offering pairing opportunities? Source: The Verge Source: Developer News How Facebook catches bugs in its 100 million lines of code You're assuming they do Source: Wired Maybe we should stop creating inscrutable CLIs And create inscrutable windows apps instead? Source: Philosophical Hacker When it comes to application security, banks pay little interest It's not like they're playing with their money, after all Source: Security Boulevard Science and Technology Are Siri and Alexa making us ruder? "Politeness doesn't c
Google celebrated the 100th birth anniversary of scientist and innovator Vikram Sarabhai, with a doodle. About:  Born in Ahmedabad in 1919, Dr. Sarabhai earned his doctorate at Cambridge. He founded the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad in 1947. He is considered as the father of India's space program. After Russia's Sputnik launch, he managed to convince the Indian government on the need for India, a developing country, to have its own space program. He established the Indian National Committee for Space Research in 1962 , which was later renamed the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). He helped set up the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station in Thiruvananthapuram , with its inaugural flight in 1963. He had worked on India's first satellite, Aryabhata, but he never lived to see its launch in 1975, which happened four years after his death. Other institutions founded: Apart from ISRO and PRL, he pioneered the setting


The Rajya Sabha cleared the NMC Bill with a crucial amendment to increase representation of the State Medical Council from 5 members to 9 and State University representation 6 six to 10 in the new body. The Lok Sabha cleared the proposed law on July 29. Salient Features of the bill: The Bill seeks to repeal the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. National Medical Commission (NMC): The Bill sets up the NMC which will replace the Medical Council of India (MCI). It will consist of 25 members, appointed by the central government. Functions of the NMC include: framing policies for regulating medical institutions and medical professionals, assessing the requirements of healthcare related human resources and infrastructure, ensuring compliance by the State Medical Councils of the regulations, and framing guidelines for determination of fees for up to 50% of the seats in private medical institutions and deemed universities which are regulated under the Bill. State

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